Water Distribution Modeling and Management
WaterCAD Features
Interoperability and Data Connections
Hydraulic, Fire-flow, Water-quality, and Operations Modeling
Engineers can use WaterCAD’s built-in water-quality features to perform constituent, water-age, tank-mixing and source-trace analysis to develop comprehensive chlorination schedules, simulate mock contamination events, model flow-paced and mass-booster stations, visualize zones of influence for every water source. They can also improve turbidity, taste, and odor by identifying water-blending problems and recommending solutions.
With WaterCAD, users can also automatically determine water availability for fire-protection needs. They can calculate how much flow is available at any hydrant or group of hydrants in the system, based on pressure and flow constraints dictated by local regulations. Users can quickly and accurately establish the ability of the water network to provide adequate protection against fires. Also, WaterCAD’s rule-based operational controls, variable speed pumping (VSP), leakage and sprinkler modeling, and unidirectional flushing utilities help users find operational bottlenecks, minimize energy consumption, and model real-time operations.
The stand-alone interface offers unparalleled versatility and power with easy–to-use model-layout tools, multiple-background support, conversion utilities from CAD, GIS, and databases, and unlimited undo and redo layout. The AutoCAD interface is designed for users who want a higher level of precision by seamlessly integrating their WaterCAD models in a CAD environment. Engineers can choose between scaled, schematic, and hybrid layout environments to create pipes, junctions, tanks, reservoirs, pumps, and valves. Splitting, morphing, and reconnecting elements can be done on the fly, while automatic labeling, element prototypes, and drawing review tools speed up the model-building process.
WaterCAD users can use virtually any data source to jumpstart the model-building process to get a water distribution model up and running in no time. Users can enter elevation data automatically using 2D & 3D CAD features, digital-elevations models and spot elevations; use CAD drawings to directly create hydraulically connected models; import topology and data from GIS; and create persistent, bidirectional connections between shapefiles, databases, spreadsheets, and the WaterCAD model.
WaterCAD includes a wealth of data management utilities to help shorten workflows and provide more time to analyze results and make decisions once the model is created. Users enjoy flexible tabular reports with global attribute edition, persistent filtering, sorting, statistical analysis, and full tabular personalization; engineering libraries, dynamic and static selection sets; and engineering-unit management.
WaterCAD’s unique Scenario Control Center gives engineers full control to configure, run, evaluate, visualize, and compare an unlimited number of scenarios within a single file. Engineers can consider multiple design, planning, analysis, and operational scenarios to make reliable decisions for their water distribution infrastructure. They can easily set up unlimited modeling scenarios to analyze and compare rehabilitation alternatives for multiple planning horizons, pump control strategies for energy-saving operation, or flushing alternatives for emergency contamination events.
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